CPT’s vs Gutenberg Templates at WordCamp Hamilton 2019

Fantastic time this year as always! Some great discussion around this and continual learning. Here are my slides from today’s presentation. Looking forward to more discussions. As soon as I get the video, I’ll update it here.

WordCamp Hamilton – CPT’s vs Gutenberg Templates from Shanta Nathwani


3 Responses to “CPT’s vs Gutenberg Templates at WordCamp Hamilton 2019”


    Thanks Shanta. Great Presentation.

    1. Shanta Avatar

      You’re very welcome! I welcome any feedback that you might have about it. I’m hoping to do it again soon. Keep in touch!

  2. Brian Avatar

    Hi Shanta.
    I am continuing the flow from WPDenver and came across your talk at WPHamilton about CPT and ACF. Very informative. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. Wondering if you found the answer to the question debated in your talk: if and how editing content in a Gutenberg template affects subsequent uses of that template – or – if changing content in these copied versions of a template changes the originial template (and other instances) itself. Thanks. btw – you’re obviously a teacher and a very good one.
    Brian from Denver