WTH are CPT’s and ACF’s? – WordCamp Ottawa 2017

Thanks to the following people especially to the wonderful people that got me to WordCamp Ottawa this past weekend: Morten Rand-Hendriksen for teaching me CPT’s and ACF’s on Lynda.com and answering all my crazy questions on Twitter as I learned. Michelle Schulp and Dan Beil who helped me to understand why to use these wonderful Read More

MasterPress Mystery Theatre - Title

How to Organize Your Website Content – WordCamp Halifax 2017

Thanks to the gang at WordCamp Halifax for inviting me to their inaugural WordCamp this year! Here are the slides from my talk on Content Architecture. I look forward to seeing all of your tweets with post-it notes. Feel free to ask any questions as well. PS. Thank you so much for the amazing feedback Read More

MasterPress Mystery Theatre - Title

WordPress 102 Video – WordCamp Hamilton 2016

Thanks to everyone who came out last year to my WordPress 102 talk at WordCamp Hamilton. I just realized I hadn’t updated my website to include the video from that presentation, so I thought I’d catch up. Would love to hear your feedback and hope to see you at a WordCamp near you!

MasterPress Mystery Theatre - Title

Content Architecture – WordPress Rochester – November 2016

Thanks to the WordPress Rochester Group for asking me to fill in for their Content Architecture this evening. I hope it was helpful and that people enjoyed. It is a dry topic, but so necessary. If you have questions, please feel free to leave them here! https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/69383879 Share this: Click to share on Facebook (Opens Read More

Content Architecture – WordCamp Ottawa 2016

Thanks so much to the organizers for letting me take over a workshop for two hours this morning. Here are my slides and I hope that there was some good discussions that come out of this. Let me know how I can improve this talk. Content Architecture at WordCamp Ottawa 2016 from Shanta Nathwani